Every athlete, at some point in his or her career, experiences a slump in performance. A slump is a noticeable decrease in your performance for a prolonged period of time. To break free from a slump you must first determine if your slump is from physical or mental game causes. Once you determine the cause of your slump, identify the specific changes that led to, and are keeping you in a slump.
Some of the mental game challenges that can prolong slumps include: low self-confidence, mental barriers, lack of motivation to improve, trying too hard to perform well, low self-esteem, and frustration with not improving fast enough. The following are tips for breaking free of your slump:
1. Focus on your performance instead of results.
2. Stop making comparisons to your competition.
3. Stay committed to your goal in sports.
Check out The Focused Athlete program for more strategies to focus your best in competition.